Thursday, July 28, 2011

Photos from DC and NYC

Cherry Blossoms


The beautiful Capital Building


The White House

 National Shrine in DC-Powerful Picture
My Favorite Chapel in the Shrine-Our Lady of Hope
Joe and me by the Wall Street Bull
View from the top or the Empire State Building
Statue of Liberty
At 30 Rock
Times Square

We Saw Catch Me If You Can

Coney Island Boardwalk

Our trip was so wonderful and the pictures are just a small taste of what we did. It was such a whirlwind but it was such a blast! Joe is such a great travel partner :) I think that is a good thing!

We were so lucky

Posted via email from Samantha's Posterous

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hello Again!

WOW! It has been WAY too long since I have blogged..worst blogger ever..Probably!! Oh well..So anyway...what has been going on in my life..

For starters, I have recently been admitted to the MEd program in Educational Administration at UNL. I am quite excited. I was lucky enough to start taking courses as a non-degree student last spring so I have 12 hours under my belt..grad school is definitely an adjustment especially with online classes, working full time, and trying to maintain my ever so busy life! But, I think it is definitely all worth it!

About that life..Joseph and I are doing fabulously! We were lucky enough to take an amazing trip to Washington D.C and New York in April and I definitely enjoyed every second. I got to meet his grandparents and some uncles and aunts. We also got to spend time with friends and his brother and sister in law and their girls. It was so great to be away and have an adventure. I definitely am thankful for Joseph and all the joy that he brings to my life!

We have been able to stay very busy this summer with weddings, short weekend trips and just enjoying the summer sunshine! I always look forward to the time I get to spend with him. Even though we are doing the "long distance" thing, it really does make us stronger! I feel very blessed every day!

My family is doing well, and I have really enjoyed living at home with them. It is fun to hang out with siblings when we all can agree on things and get along! This time I have with them is definitely very cherished!

I have this aspiration to refinish a piece of furniture and now that my classes are done for the summer that is my goal. I want to paint a dresser and put new hardware on it and do something creative and crafty. We shall see how it goes! I just need to find the motivation to life in disarray for a little while!

Other than that I am trying to stay healthy and happy.

Hopefully I will have some pictures to post in a few days...I am SO bad at pictures but I really do aspire to get better with them!



Posted via email from Samantha's Posterous

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Foodie Thoughts.

True North: Almond, Pecan, Cashew Clusters! This is my new favorite discovery for the week.

Seriously delicious stuff, and totally great snack. A serving is 5 clusters, has around 170 calories 5g of protein and all natural sweetners!

Perfect mixed with dried cherries, yogurt or even just alone! I found them at Sam's Club, but I am sure they have them all over.


Free Will Offering Soup..I think YES!

So the other week my boss took me to this little coffee shop/book store called Indigo Bridge Books here in Lincoln because they have this lunch "place" called The Table. She had explained it as a a free will offering soup cafe, and that was all I needed to hear!

I went and found that every day they offer two different vegetarian and usually vegan soups with your choice of whole wheat or white french bread. It is seriously phenomenal! You can get seconds if you wish, they people who serve the soup are SO nice and the no price is even better!

I took Joe the other day becasue he kept calling it the soup kitchen..I think he was in disbelief at how awesome the soup was. I have never seem him so exicited about something vegetarian in my life. We definitely found our favorite lunch place!

This delicious soup leads me to my next thought....(because the soup comes from The Cup-coffee shop where I found the tea.)

Loose Leaf Tea

I know that loose leaf tea is by no means a new discovery, but for me it is. I have always bought tea in bags at the grocery store and have been totally fine with the flavor and taste...until I had this delicious tea at The Cup..which is another "new" place for me to obsess about. The first tea I tried was Jasmine something or other and it was glorious! Seriously so good. It totally makes me want to go and find a great tea strainer and the PERFECT tea cup..I am thinking something blue and white and big enough to feel comforting! 


Other than my great discoveries, life is pretty amazing! School is going well, Joe is amazing as usual and Nebraska hasn't been TOO bad!

Peace Y'all






Posted via email from Samantha's Posterous

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Updates, Updates, Updates

SO many new things have happened in life these last few weeks...good and bad...but mostly good!

One of the biggest changes is my attempt at going back to school. I decided to pursue my Masters degree in Eductional Administration at UNL and started class this week. I am taking two online classes-Law of Higher Education and Finance of Higher Education! I am very excited to be furthering my education but still... I thought I was going to be done with school for a while and homework sounds a little daunting!

Another big change in life just happened yesterday... my great grandma passed away..she was an amazing 99 years old! She was such a marvelous woman with life's greatest stories. She was truly a treasure and I will miss her very much. Even though in her time of passing from this world, and the sadness that comes with death, I feel so lucky to have been able to get to know her and for her to know me. She was someone whom I loved to talk about..becasue she was 99 but also because of her attitude, outlook on life and sense of humor. She was the Best Grandma 'Ole ever!!

Change #3... ok well not really a chanage but update...Joe and I have been dating for 6 months..and all I can holy cow time FLIES! I know that 6 months is not like 15 years but still.. that is a fair amount of time! I am so happy with him and still continue to feel so blessed! God sure does have a funny plan!

Another Christmas season has passed and once again I managed to find myself in the emergency room with crazy back pain. I dont know what it is about Christmas but the only times I have ever needed to go to the ER have been just days before Christmas. I am not sure if I am just really unlucky or if my body is telling me to slow down..but future Christmas's..beware!

Update mom has decided to actively work to sell our house.. my childhood, teenager, college years house. I cant say that I am super bumbed about this...I  mean I love the house, have great memories there but I know that this change will be so good for my mom and probably for my family too! I know that God will provide and that life will end up working itself out!  A new house just means new memories to make and honestly a chance to start over..more for my mom than me..but still a new beginning!

Update 6...The other day I was really tempted to eat meat...enough said!

Life is really good y'all and I hope through this new year to be able to blog more, worry less, make memories to share, and continue to head down that path called life!


Peace and Love!



Posted via email from Samantha's Posterous

Friday, November 12, 2010

Fall Leaves

It is my personal opinion that the time of year when the leaves change, the weather starts to feel crisp, and daylight is something we yearn simply magical. The beauty that surrounds our daily lives during these magical moments can easily be taken advantage of. I find it so important to remember that all of this change is gift which we are given to enjoy.

I challenge you today to go outside and just BE. Let yourself be overtaken by the sounds, the smells, and the beauty which we are given. Even if you only have 3 minutes to spare, let yourself use this free gift to re-center your life, to find a new meaning, or even just a moment of peace. The changes we experience come and go and every year you know they will return. But, make a point to enjoy such Do this as a reminder that with the falling leaves, new possibilities will arise, new life can be created, and a new season is on the horrizon.

Posted via email from Samantha's Posterous

Monday, October 11, 2010

A True Romantic

Friday October 8th began just like any other day, except I knew that Joe and I were going on a date that evening, and I was very excited. Joe and I basically see each other on the weekends and maybe one other time during the week. Due to living in two septerate cities, driving to and from Lincoln and Omaha during the week gets very exhausting so we basically spend the weekends in either Omaha or Lincoln. This was an Omaha weekend so I was excited to be able to spend with whole weekend with him.

Earilier in the week Joe told me that we were going to a casual restaurant so I simple dress and cardigan would be fine....ok well I assumed a simple and dress would be great...I do not think Joe would go as far as picking out my dress :). I had to work all day on friday and when I finally got to leave to make the drive I was so excited not only for the date but to be able to see my amazing boyfriend. When I arrived at Joe's house I had to change and freshen up. I called to let him know that I was there and asked if it was ok if i just walked inside like I usually do. He was very quick to answer "no" and that I should just wait until he came down and helped me carry my bag. I honestly didn't think anything of his request until he opened the door and asked that I close my eyes as I walked through the house. At first I had no idea what was going on and then I assumed it was something for after dinner, and he did not want me to ruin the surprise. I kindly obliged and walked blind through the living room and up to where I could change.

Joe had mentioned that we had reservations at 7:15 so I knew about how long I had to relax a bit and then make sure I was ready. Around 7 I politely mentioned that it was probably time to go and as I got up to leave I figured I would have to close my eyes again as I walked thru the house and so I grabbed my sunglasses and just wore them because it was easier to not cheat that way. As I walked down the stairs I heard a beautiful song being played on the piano and I just figured it was Joe's roommate playing before he went out for the night. I still thought I needed to have my eyes closed remember so I really didn't know what was going on. As I reached the living room Joe said that I could open my eyes now and as I took off my sunglasses (i'm sure I looked a little crazy) and opened my eyes and walked into the dining room I saw the most romanitc thing anyone has ever done for me. Joe had the lights dimmed, the table set with a table cloth, candles on the table and on the surrounding shelfs, a bottle of chilled Champagne, and then I saw a beautiful boquet of white roses laying on the table by my chair. As I started to realize what Joe had done my eyes welled with tears. I could not believe that someone would do something so romantic and beautiful as a surprise for me, and the evening was just getting started.

Dinner was served and prepared by a friend of Joe's. It was incredible. We had soup to start and then a great appetizer of bread with a mixture of veggies and something warm and delicious on top. A salad was also served and then the main dish was just fantastic. Due to my diet choices Joe had asked that a pasta dish with shrimp be prepared for me, while he had a steak and potatoes. My pasta dish was so delicious. It was slightly garlicy and so fresh. It was absolutely perfect. The champagne was awesome and dinner was so relaxing. It was funny becasue Joe and I had the hardest time talking during dinner. I couldnt stop smiling and trying to not cry at the same time and everytime I tried to bring up something to talk about I just started smiling again because of how wonderful I felt.

After dinner, Joe put on some of our favorite songs and we slow danced in his livingroom for a long time. It was so wonderful to just spend a romantic evening with the man I love. And how incredible that he planned the entire evening for our three month anniversary. It was absolutely the most romantic thing ever done for me.

Joe had also planned to take me out for dessert so we went to the Old Market in Omaha and had a form of fried ice cream at Blue Sushi and Sake Grill. It was the perfect ending to our meal. After dessert we walked around the market and found our way to a store that sells furs and leather. I tried on all kinds of fur headbands and hats and things. It was funny to try and get Joe to put them on...he never took me up that offer!

Friday is a day that I will not soon forget. I feel like the luckiest woman in the world to have a man that can show how he cares in such a perfect way!


the roses that Joe bought me

my amazing fur headband and Joe!

Dinner picture

Dinner picture

Posted via email from Samantha's Posterous

Friday, September 24, 2010

Sunshine and Daisey's

Life is pretty amazing these days! I am dating the most amazing man and never thought I would be so happy living back in Nebraska. Who would have thought, right?

Joe and I met at a mutual friend's wedding and just simply totally hit it off. He is a banker which is fun because now I feel like being financially responsible is almost a must! He lives in Omaha so I have done quite a bit of commuting! Thank goodness I dont mind to drive! I am so thankful everyday for the blessings that I have been given in these last few months. It has been such a good reminder that God truly has a plan for my life and if I would just let Him do His thing, life will turn out how it pretty great!

This last week I was offered a temporary job as a project assistant at UNL in the School of Business Administration's graduate advising office. It has been so great to be back on campus and I did apply for the full time long term permanent job so please say a prayer, cross your fingers or do a dance (whatever you feel most comfortable with) that I get the permanent job. Having a full time job will be so great and I definitely need to get back into the swing of things! Being on campus again has made me realize that I do need to go back to grad school! I have found a program at UNL and will most definitely apply for assistantships and the cohort for next fall.

This summer has been such a good lesson in patience, the importance of family and trusting in God's plan. I miss all of my people back in Austin and I do at times miss the craziness of my past life, but I know now that where I am now is where I am meant to be...for the time being. Its funny how life work's itself out, when you let it be what it needs to be!

Peace and love y'all!


Posted via email from Samantha's Posterous